Eurotech Staffs

David Asher has been involved in the Kitchen, Bath and Custom Furniture business for 35 years. David incorporated Eurotech Cabinetry in 1984 handling all design and sales responsibilities in addition to managing the company’s day-to-day operations. Currently, David functions as Eurotech’s CEO and is also one of the company’s designer/salespersons. David has several design awards to his credit and is currently working toward his NKBA certification.

Eric graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Accounting. He then joined the Eurotech team full-time and has been actively involved in all aspects of design and project management. Eric is currently working toward his NKBA certification.

Ruth joined the staff of Eurotech in 1990 as a Receptionist/Secretary. Since that time Ruth has become our “Go-To Gal” and her responsibilities have grown considerably. She now holds the title of Operations Supervisor and is charged with managing many of our IT requirements, coordinating delivery and installation schedules as well as all service related matters.